The Ten Commandments of Dramatic Play in the Home
First, be your child’s playmates — this is most effective when your children are young. However, let your child be in charge.
Second, if your child is older (more than 4 years of age), arrange a play date so that they can support each other’s dramatic play.
Third, play along if your child creates an imaginative playmate. Usually this playmate has a character which complements theirs. However, draw a line and be firm when your child starts to do something ‘naughty’ and blame this on her imaginative friend.
Fourth, do not intervene with your child’s play. Let their imagination flow.
Fifth, do not interrupt the play even when it’s time for your ‘child-turned-caveman’ to have lunch. Your child can always have lunch in his ‘cave’.
Sixth, provide a space in your home for imaginative play even if this means that your home will not look like a ‘designer home’ for a while. For instance, let your child transform the dining room table into a cave, or let her connect all the coffee and side tables and transform them into a tunnel.
Seventh, read a lot to your children and take them to as many places as you can. After reading, ask stimulating questions to your child, for instance, “What would you do if you were a …..?”. These will provide them with more experience more ideas for pretend play.
Eighth, when searching for a preschool for your child, investigate whether the preschool will support imaginative play.
Ninth, for older children, consider involving them in theatrical productions or puppet movies.
Tenth, provide your children with many toys which support imaginative play.
Source: Best Child's Toys of Texas and Dramatic Play at WordPress